To Infinity and Beyond!

Posted on April 1, 2016 by Jeremiah

To Infinity and Beyond!

by Uncategorized

Mission Report

Since the inception of Launchbay Creative in February, we have launched 9 websites! (Don’t know what Launchbay Creative is, read more) We have been working with brand new startups and people who are passionate about their brands. We have loved working at a rapid pace riding this rocket ship with our friends & partners. We are glad YOU are on this adventure with us as well and we want you to know we are always thinking about you, your brand, and what is best for your website. That being said, we want to briefly give you some very vital information about your website moving forward.

Big Changes on the Horizon

From the time I built your site (or sites), I have been personally covering the cost of your hosting and domain name renewals. This has been great for the both of us because you have received a discount and I have enjoyed blessing you over the past few seasons. However, we now find ourselves in a new season with Launchbay Creative with a lot of changes, and one of those changes is that we are trying to expand and grow so we can do more for others. As a business, we now need to decide what is best for us so in turn it is also best for you! That being said: we have devised a creative plan to benefit us all!

We now offer subscriptions!

Our services now include subscription plans for various levels. You may think, Why do I need a subscription? I already have a website and it’s doing fine on its own. That may be true to some degree, but think of your website like a plant. You may have a very strong plant that doesn’t need a lot of attention because your gardener planted it in a prime location with lots of water and sunlight, but it’s not always sunny and sometimes we go through dry seasons. A website needs attention, just like a plant does, especially if you want it to grow and flourish to its fullest potential. The web is one of the fastest growing foundations out there and your website needs more attention NOW more than ever.

How do your subscriptions work?!

We now have 3 subscriptions based on what you need as far as hosting, maintenance and content management.

Hosting (Yearly)

Beginning April 15th it will be mandatory for you to have a yearly hosting subscription with us. This is just to cover yearly domain name renewals, hosting, storage on our servers for your website and email storage. Failure to obtain a subscription with us will result in your site being suspended until a subscription has been started. If you don’t wish to host with us, bluehost can migrate your site for $150.

Maintenance (Monthly)

This is a basic plan and we’ll basically keep your lights on, water your plants, make sure Fido gets his puppy chow and goes for a nice walk every day. We’ll be running updates, maintaining your site’s security, and addressing any issues as they arise. This plan also INCLUDES your yearly hosting fees, so it is just a reasonable monthly fee.

Launchbay Support (Monthly)

This is our flagship subscription if you really want to invest in your online presence and not just have a website that always looks the same for your visitors. With this option you can have new and updated content on a regular basis. Keep in mind that this plan is especially applicable to NEW website as you are getting things started and most likely there will be a lot of things that need to be updated or added as your new startup is being launched! This plan INCLUDES hosting as well!

What Next?

Visit our website our Pricing Page to read more and select the plan that’s right for you to continue having an awesome website with stellar support! Or click the buttons above. Payment is handled by the ever so trusty and secure company PayPal.

To infinity and beyond!

Thanks so much for working with Launchbay Creative we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for all of us working together!

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